7 Orange Essential Oil Benefits: Skin care, Energy Boosting & More!

An Orange essential oil has been used for centuries in aromatherapy to promote happiness, relieve stress, and improve mood. And It also helps to reduce pain and inflammation, boost energy, and even fight cancer.

1. Weight Loss

The researchers studied the effect of orange essential oil on rats. They found that it could promote weight loss and lower cholesterol levels in obese people! More research needs to be done before we know if this works similarly for humans, but there’s promising beginnings with these results so far.

2. Anxiety Relief

Orange essential oil has been used for centuries to help people relax, and it’s no wonder why! Research shows that by inhaling orange aromas you can reduce stress levels by up 50%.

orange essential oil

3. Skin Care

The best way to get your skin in tip-top shape is with an oil like orange. Vitamin C, which can be found high up on this Huett ingredient list – it’s perfect for treating acne and other problems because of its antioxidant properties against free radicals that cause damage cells!

In fact, research has shown applying pure essential oils such as those blended together creates a barrier function preventing breakouts from forming bacteria while also helping soothe irritation caused by them being applied topically.

4. Energy Boosting

Orange essential oil has been used as a natural remedy for centuries. It was first discovered by accident when a farmer found his oranges growing sweeter after being sprayed with water. He then realized that the spray contained something he had never seen before, and so began the search for its source.

5. Pain relief

The scent of orange essential oil is uplifting and energizing. An Orange essential oil contains citral, an ingredient that gives citrus its aroma. Citral is known as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. This means that orange essential oil can help ease pain caused by arthritis, muscle spasms, and other inflammatory conditions.

6. Exercise performance

The researchers of this small 2016 study Trusted Source found that people who inhaled orange flower essential oil during exercise had a significant decrease in running times and increase in lung function. More research needs to be conducted on the subject before we can say for certain if there’s any truth behind these findings, but it seems logical considering how many natural chemicals are present within plants!

7. Other Benefits

The citrus essential oil orange has been known for centuries as a detoxifier, boosts immunity and treats constipation or dyspepsia. It can be very good at maintaining healthy skin against acne triggers like the sun’s UV rays which cause premature aging on your face!

Final Thoughts

If you’re looking for an essential oil that can do it all, then reach for orange, Orange essential oil has been used for centuries in aromatherapy to promote happiness, relieve stress, and improve mood. And It also helps to reduce pain and inflammation, boost energy, and even fight cancer. Contact us right now to get a live quote of  diffuser that will help you experience the many benefits of orange essential oil first hand!

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